Cost Analysis Benchmarking for Housing and Infrastructure Service Providers

aoû. 31, 2020

FMB will be conducting Cost Analysis Benchmarking for Housing and Infrastructure Service Providers. This human resource and operational focused financial analysis will be utilized as a tool for analyzing operational plans and co‐developing service transfer agreements. On July 24, 2020, the Board of Directors approved this independent research opportunity and FMB will be collaborating with The Imagination Group on the project.

The four objectives of the project are:

  1. Gathering First Nations organizations views on organizational cost drivers for operating a regional housing and/or infrastructure authority in the First Nations context.
  2. Comparing and examining provincial and municipal models off reserve to identify similarities and differences.
  3. Producing a report identifying cost drivers and baselines, including price risks that may cause costs to fluctuate based on First Nations organizations views and provincial and municipal comparisons.
  4. Developing a model for assessing the organizational costs of operating an aggregate regional housing and/or infrastructure authority in the First Nations context.

FMB will be consulting with First Nations organizations, ISC and First Nations partners across Canada. We will also be looking to individual communities for their input.

For more information, please download Organizational Cost Benchmarking - Draft Statement of Work (PDF), or contact:

Scott Munro
Director, Standards and Certification