Pay for important projects
Make it easier to borrow money through the First Nations Finance Authority (FNFA). An FNFA loan can allow Nations to pay less interest over the long-term. This could help you pay for urgent or needed projects.
Make it easier to run your First Nation
If your First Nation’s Chief and Council and staff follow good governance and finance practices, they are more likely to be able to deliver the high quality services members want and deserve. This leads to a happier and healthier community.
Improve decision-making
Reduce the “personal” aspect of decision-making. Instead, make decisions using rules that have been agreed by Chief and Council and communicated to all staff. This leads to fewer questions and criticisms from staff and community members, and makes life easier for everyone.
Be accountable and transparent
Good governance and finance practices improve how your First Nation is run in important ways. As well as helping Council make better decisions, it makes it easier to be transparent about how each decision is made.
Manage risk and believe in your First Nation
Reassure members, investors, lenders, and others that you are running your First Nation well. By showing how you have taken steps to stop or reduce problems that impact the Nation’s finance and social health, you can boost confidence in your First Nation.
Achieve your First Nation’s goals
Good governance and finance practices can help your First Nation prosper. When day-to-day operations run more smoothly, Chief and Council have more time to deal with long-term, strategic projects and goals. These are the things that will shape your First Nation’s future.