International Federation of Accountants Proposed Revisions to IES 2, 3 and 4 – Sustainability

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has proposed changes to certain of its international education standards. These standards will be used for entry into the professional accounting education programs, for initial professional development or for CPD. The proposed changes include key sustainability reporting concepts, and create certain new assurance competence areas and learning outcomes.

The FMB advocated for these standards to include direct references to and inclusion of:

  • UNRI;
  • Indigenous rights and title; and
  • Indigenous risks and opportunities.

The FMB advocated for these things because in the absence of this education, practitioners (whether new entrants to the profession or long-time members) will not have the requisite skill set to exercise professional skepticism regarding Indigenous rights, title, risks and opportunities where sustainability disclosures demand same.

Read FMB's Comments to IFAC on Proposed Revisions to IES
