Indigenous Investment Commission


The Indigenous Investment Commission (IIC) is part of an optional solution needed to build brighter futures for Indigenous communities. As a new Indigenous-led institution, the IIC could provide asset management services to Indigenous governments, organizations, and trusts with the goal of:

  • achieving higher returns and lower management fees,
  • investing back into Indigenous communities, businesses, and Indigenous-led projects,
  • ensuring a stronger Indigenous voice in corporate decision-making, and
  • encouraging companies around the world to improve their relationship with Indigenous Peoples.

The Problem

Indigenous Peoples have assets to protect and grow for future generations. But when it comes to investments, we sometimes face barriers to growth, including poor returns and high management fees. Funds are often invested with companies whose objectives do not align with Indigenous values and do not reinvest in First Nations businesses and projects. This needs to change.

The Solution

Forest meets sky

Through a new Indigenous-led institution, the IIC, we would invest our communities' financial wealth according to our own priorities, for the benefit of seven generations. While charging lower fees, the IIC would:

  • balance generating optimal returns with supporting the economic, social, and environmental development of Indigenous communities;
  • support Indigenous Peoples with integrity, and respect of Indigenous values; and
  • foster Indigenous self-determination over our financial affairs and investment decisions.

Making the IIC a Reality

Work to establish the IIC has begun, and you're invited to be a part of it!

  • Become a founding member: Together we can unlock new investment opportunities that align with your community's values and long-term goals, creating lasting wealth for future generations. Become a founding member of the IIC and take control of your community's financial future.
  • Be part of a transformative movement: Join a growing effort to empower Indigenous communities through collective financial strength.
  • If you would like to provide input, please take our survey, and you will be entered to win one of several prizes!

Watch this Video: Quebec's Quiet Revolution, 50 Years Later

Closed captioning available in English.

Discover how Quebec in the early 1960s sought innovative ways to modernize Quebec, leading to the creation of the Caisse de dépôt. This revolutionary idea aimed to channel Quebecers' savings to finance government projects and support local businesses, despite significant opposition. The IIC and Quebec's Quiet Revolution share similarities in their goals of achieving economic self-determination for historically marginalized groups through institutional reforms and collective financial strength.

For more information, please contact Tiffany McDougall, FMB Developmental Economist, using the webform below.